Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Getting Discouraged

I am feeling so discouraged with my oldest... I am afriad that I am negatively effecting him... but he constantly frustrates me in many areas mostly to do with his siblings and naps... we did something new today that I think will help but I was not there to witness its full potential...
Most of the trouble startes at nap time... Both Baby and my girl are so tired but it would seem unfair to allow boy to stay awake while they sleep, plus really he still needs his sleep too. He becomes very disobedient and confused... or whiny if he does not have his nap.
So today the new plan was lay down as normal... but when baby and girl where sleeping I removed oldest boy to play down stairs with Papa (my dad) while I went to work (I clean houses while they sleep a few times a week) So we will try it again tomorrow and see how it works... But this really doesn't completely solve the issue cuz He still needs a nap/rest and somedays so do I!


  1. I know it is hard. We struggled when Boy was that age, too. But I don't think there is anything unfair about it. Skipping your nap is a privilege that comes with being a big boy or girl, and Sister and Baby will have their turn soon enough.
    My Baby is going through that stage that they all seem to go through that half-a-nap stage where a full nap is too much, but no nap is not enough.

  2. So we tried it the next day. Putting all the babies down together and then removing boy to rest in another part of the house where he could not wake sister and baby... I told him to lay in my bed. while I was working on computer (in my room) and he at first played, then I laid in bed with him and he fell asleep! We did this for a few days actually and almost every time he has fallen asleep in my bed. That is wonderful because he needs just a little rest/nap or else he is silly at the end of the day. So not always will that work but we will continue to try it!
