Friday, October 30, 2009

Worker Bee Award!

Today I must have been in an organizational mood. Cuz that is what I did all day. I went to do some laundry and next thing I knew the laundry room was organized and cleaned up!
Then I went upstairs and me and Jon and Joy has school while the baby slept.
We played out side and I cleaned my moms garage for a little bit.
Then during their nap time I really got to work. I cleaned our entire office, including the dreaded filing cabinet! I purges out a lot of old college and church files and other files I got them all to fit in my two draw filing cabinet! Hubby just did the electronics. Now the desk has been dusted and cleaned and is ready for use! It feels so good to be ride of a lot of things we did not need!
What can you do. Just set a goal, block off some time and get it done!

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