Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 11 ~ Bad Day all around

I have been struggling for some time dealing with a lot of life changes because I want to make the change it excites me and challenges me and gives me hope for a better future, but then fear sets in and change seems scary... How do you decide, not only that but then their is God's will for your life and how do you discover that? Let alone fulfill it? What if you go in the wrong direction thinking it is right, will you know, if so how and what do you do about it then, is it always reversable or are there things that can't be undone?
Obviously all these questions are ageless as long as man has desired to do God's will these questions have been pondered and everyone will have their own creative answers or none at all... I however really want to know the answers or at least how to find the answers. I hear the spiritual answer read and Seek God's word and it will be revealed to you. Does that really work? Prove it. No I am not questioning God or His Word. I believe in them and I believe they contain all the answers but How do you find them and when you do find them how do you know that is really God's will and not your own fleshly desires? How do you "just know"?
So if you know then let me know... lol you know!


  1. So really this tells you nothing about my day which was really bad. I started a new medicaiton that has annoying side effects on of which is nausea spent most of the afternoon in the bathroom...TMI I know. Sorry the point is I was feeling miserable then when the sick feelings left then the emotional drama crept in and that was just as destructive. The Good news is my Husband and I are rock solid in all areas and that brings real Joy and Peace in an otherwise crazy life.

  2. Oh, sweetie! So sorry for your bad day.
    I will tell you something about God's will: God is not in the business of tricking you into making a wrong move. I state that in exactly those words to make a point. God will not hide His will from you. Know these three simple things: 1. God wants you to know His will. 2. God knows where you are at and what you know, feel, and are going through. 3. God will use what you are going through, where you are at, what you know, and what you feel to get you where He wants you to go. Don't be afraid. Just do the next thing--take the step that is in front of you, and trust God for the steps that come after. Sorry to get all preachy, but you did ask.
